5:48 PM

Office 2010

Hey, Looks like Office 2010 has entered the rumor mill. Supposed to come out late next year, but probably not around the release of Windows 7. So OEM's will get to tinker with it for the first part of next year and there is no definite date when the regular folks like us will get to take a crack at it. Six weeks to four months sounds a lot like the phone guy when he says, "Sometime between 8am and 5pm." I'm sure it'll start leaking on the torrent sites before it reaches us officially and there will be some outcry from Microsoft. This alone will probably end up costing like five-hundred dollars! Supposedly this new version will be slimmed down a bit (Thank GOD!) and will allow you to edit documents in a web browser (ahem...Google Docs). And what is this? A FREE version?!? ad-supported huh? Well, I have to give Microsoft SOME credit, they do realize people don't want to pay exorbitant amounts of money for their products. An updated Exchange will be coming out with what purports to be changes to help stupid hurried executives hitting reply-all with there Ponzi Scheme plans as well as prevent employees from emailing outside the company. (Goodbye Whistle Blower Protection Act, eh?)
LATE TO CLASS: I also found out just this morning (APR16) that there will be separate 32 and 64 bit versions. As a current 64 bit user this is great, no need to emulate. I am always looking, scrounging around in forums, to find the 64-bit versions of popular software.
Image via MegaLeecher
Info via Google/AP
I heard it from Technibble


Waycoolmom1 said...

This is a well-written and easy to read review.

Aaron said...

Thanks...Mom My first commenter.

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